As the leading Nordic independent food concept provider, we handle a considerable amount of goods every single day. On one hand we are an important player in the Nordic food market, ensuring safe and healthy food on the tables of millions of people across the region. On the other hand, we are well aware of the potential negative impacts our operation can have on the climate and environment.
This is why I am very happy to present our new CSR strategy, which we have developed in order to ensure the right perspective and prioritization on all sustainability issues. The CSR strategy is our tool and guideline to integrate sustainability into our daily operations on a continuously basis. We have chosen three focus areas which will guide our sustainable development: responsible assortment, responsible procurement and good governance.
Geia Food’s natural position in the value chain makes it possible to influence the innovation of Nordic food concepts and food quality. Thus, we have chosen to work for UN Sustainable Development Goal number 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing). Also we find it relevant to optimize our own operations through goal number 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). In the following we look very much forward providing you with insight about our sustainability strategy and goals.
You can read more in our Sustainability Report here.
Claus Ravnsbo
Group CEO, Geia Food A/S

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